OPEN Northwest

Open, Polyamorous, Ethical Non-Monogamy Nonprofit based in Portland, OR.

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Who We Are

OPEN Northwest strives to create an inclusive, vibrant community that supports the growth of the local ethically non-monogamous culture and its people, and works to increase visibility, normalization, and acceptance of ethical non-monogamy both in the media and in society.

We endeavor to foster an environment where people come together and find social groups, activities, events, resources, services, and support.

Those who are ethically non-monogamous might identify as being polyamorous, relationship anarchists, in open relationships, or in other ways. The defining factor of people our organization is aimed to serve is the practice of partnerships that do not limit romantic and/or sexual connection to only one person at a time and which promote open communication, honesty, and consent for everyone involved.

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